The mission of COUGARS Daily is for the encouraging of believers in living out their faith daily in a 'post modern' and sometimes 'Anti-Church' culture. It is also a platform for seekers to feel comfortable asking tough questions. Please welcome everyone as we comment and post daily about 'A Slice of Infinity' from RZIM as well as challenge each other to walk behind the Good Sheppard.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Unexpected Apologetic - Margaret Manning

Take ~5 minutes to read this 'COUGARS Daily' which contains snippets from A Slice of Infinity. Invite your family and friends to participate in reading with you daily. Then, consider sharing your comments or faith questions at CougarsDaily.blogspot.com

- A careful reading of the four evangelists’ remembrances of the resurrection reveals many different emphases and details. Matthew, for example, tells us that a great earthquake had occurred as “an angel of the Lord descended and came and rolled away the stone and sat upon it” (Matthew 28:2). Mark, on the other hand, tells us that a “young man sitting at the right, wearing a white robe” was inside the tomb to announce Jesus’s resurrection (Mark 16:5). Luke tells us that two men “suddenly stood near them [the women] in dazzling apparel” (Luke 24:4) and John, the beloved disciple, reports his own discovery of the linen wrappings abandoned in the empty tomb (John 20:5).

- There are many other differences in the re-telling of the resurrection appearances of Jesus, but there is one feature that is the same in all four accounts: the resurrection announcement is made first to the women who followed Jesus (Matthew 28:1; Mark 16:1; Luke 23:55-24:5; John 20:1)

A Slice of Infinity snippets: “Perhaps the strongest reason of taking the stories of the empty tomb absolutely seriously lies in the fact that it is women who play the leading role. It would have been very unlikely for anyone in the ancient world who was concocting a story to assign the principal part to women since, in those times, they were not considered capable of being reliable witnesses in a court of law. It is surely much more probable that they appear in the gospel accounts precisely because they actually fulfilled the role that the stories assign to them, and in so doing, they make a startling discovery.” - Anglican priest and physicist John Polkinghorne

Chad's comments: Recently, my sister was talking about this very subject. One reason she gives for not liking the Bible is her perception that it is a Male dominated writing. She was a bit less angry when she learned that women were the first to discover the resurrected Jesus. The Bible is not gender sensitive. For example, there is no genealogy of Cain's wife. This is one reason why I think people ask the question, "who did Cain marry". Cain's only obvious choice was that he married his sister. Although the Bible is not gender sensitive, it is sensitive to our sonship (if I may use that term in the generic sense - that we are all sons and daughters of God) We are not orphans in the universe - some abandoned product of time plus matter, plus chance. We are in fact created with a purpose, Male and Female, by our Holy Father.

Fear leads to control. Perfect love casts out all fear. Obey because you love Him.

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- leave suggestions at CougarsDaily.blogspot.com

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* Consider joining Life-Devotions
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* Voice of the Martyrs

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