Take ~5 minutes to read this 'COUGARS Daily' which contains snippets from A Slice of Infinity. Invite your family and friends to participate in reading with you daily. Then, consider sharing your comments or faith questions at CougarsDaily.blogspot.com
- "You are right in saying I am a king. In fact, for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me" (John 18:37)
- "For the Kingdom of God is not just a lot of talk; it is living by God’s power." (1 Cor 4:20)
A Slice of Infinity snippets: "As witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to all the ends of the earth, we are to tell the truth about our encounters with a powerful God and the Son who announced the in-breaking of God’s reign among us. We follow one who communicated with words, with his presence, with a cup of cold water, and with the power of a life-changing message. Shall we not live among our neighbors in the same way?"
Chad's comments: I often find the engagement of truth to be my focus as well. As I enter into dialogue and debate, I often find myself appealing to the truth of history, the truth of Scripture and the truth of real life experience. All of these are great tools in conversation, but sharing the treasure of Jesus and the truth of His actions in my life seems much more of a witness. 2 Cor. 4:6 tells me, "For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ" and while truth is what I continually seek, I must realize that my treasure is not in books or in man's wisdom but in God himself. In whom I find The Way, The Truth and The Life and now, no condemnation. As we engage in conversation with our friends, let us be mindful of John 3:17
Prayer Request: A Gentleman in our church asked for prayer for his son. Here is his request:
Danny, when you have time, please expound on this for us. - The kingdom of heaven is at hand.
* Post your stories of God's intervention on the blog.
* Look for ways to share Awe and Wonder with children - leave suggestions at CougarsDaily.blogspot.com
* Make Space for unbelievers in your life.
* Consider joining Life-Devotions (a group of about 100 catholics and protestants sharing their faith through daily devotions and discussion - strong pro Life content)
* Voice of the Martyrs
1 comment:
In Matthew 10: 7,8, Jesus told his desciples "As you go preach saying, 'the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.' Laying hands on the sick, cleansing the leper, raising the dead, casting out demons. Freely you have received, freely give."
Breaking it down it's this...
"As you go"....this simply put is where ever you go...Honey, I'm going to the store...Dad, I'm going to the library etc. 'As you go' is not limited to the walls of the church!
"preach"...the word preach is defined as to 'declare a fact.'
"saying, The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand."...If something is 'at hand' it is within reach. the keyboard to this laptop I'm typing on is 'at hand' Anything you can reach out and touch, grab hold of, possess is 'at hand!'
That being the case, if we are to declare that the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand, that means that all that is within His Kingdom is available to us. I'm sure we would all agree that there is no sickness, disease, lack, poverty etc etc etc in the Kingdom then why should we give way to or accept these things on earth?
When Jesus fed the 5,000 the bible says He lifted his eyes toward Heaven, gave thanks and the rest is as they say "HISTORY!" Why did He look toward Heaven? I have no theological basis for my opinion, but I firmly believe that He looked into Heaven and saw that there is no hunger or lack in Heaven. Knowing this, He grabbed hold of it and performed a mighty miracle.
Jesus said, "..all power and authority I have given you..." If we are to operate in Kingdom Power (I Cor 4:20) we should have testimony of His Goodness and Power. We can testify to these things (make account of) when we have experienced these things.
Personally, I had an experience with scoliosis during my middle teenage years. I was told that my condition was caught early enough that if I wore a heal lift inside my left shoe, it would prevent it from progressing, but it would be that way for the rest of my life. At a youth convention in Chicago in the Spring of 1989 - after two years of wearing this heal lift - I asked my youth pastor if we could go to the guest speaker for prayer for healing. Pastor Mike said we can if you want, but we can pray for you just as well as a youth group. Long and short of it is after about 30 minutes I stood up from the floor and I had experienced a shift in my spine, hips and where there was a visible 1/2" shift of my hips, they were perfectly alligned. I was healed of this condition.
What happens when it doesn't happen before my/your eyes? Answer is simple....KEEP PRAYING. I have prayed for many things and people for that matter and didn't immediately see the result I was praying for. Sometimes it doesn't happen at all...sometimes it happens over a course of time. In either case, all you can do is simply pray and beleive. But don't give up if you don't see it! If you shot a basketball only one time in your life and you missed, you would 0-1. If you keep practicing and exercise that part it's in the law of averages that you will improve your ability to shoot a basketball. Granted there is a difference between playing a game and praying for healing but the principle is the same. You don't stop just because you didn't 'score.'
Zachary, in the name of Jesus, I declare a creative miracle in your spine - entire skelatal make up. Be healed!
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