- "The chief priests and the whole Sanhedrin were looking for evidence against Jesus so that they could put him to death, but they did not find any. Many testified falsely against him, but their statements did not agree. Then some stood up and gave this false testimony against him: We heard him say, 'I will destroy this man-made temple and in three days will build another, not made by man.' Yet even then their testimony did not agree" (Mark 14:55-59).
- “What kind of man is this that even the winds and the waves obey him?" (Matthew 8:27).
- “Who is this fellow who speaks blasphemy,” asked others. “Who can forgive sins but God alone?” (Luke 5:21).
A Slice of Infinity snippets: "At the heart of our identities as Christ’s witnesses is our answer to the very question Jesus embodies, “Who do you say that I am?” And while our answer is hopefully much more than mere preference, it is vital that we realize we are answering with every moment of our lives. Some of the loudest testimonies are spoken without words."
Chad's Comments: What areas of my life do I argue with Christ over? Is our objection to following Him simply one born out of mere preference? Danny Meece and I spoke on Saturday - both of us struggling a little with the same issue. How do we look different from the world around us? What draws people to ask us about the Love of Jesus? In Danny's life, it looks like a Bible study that he began in the break room of his office - him and one other person - an event of great magnitude. For us, it may simply be starting with giving dignity to those around us. Perhaps telling the janitor 'thank you' for their service to you. As we enter this Holy week rapidly, I encourage you not to give up under the weight of the cross you carry. And don't judge or condemn your neighbor, but, like Christ, pick up your cross, dig in, persevere and love them unto death.
* Look for ways to share awe and wonder with your children.
* Create Space for unbelievers in your life.
* Consider joining LIFE devotions (a group of about 100 Catholic and Protestant Christians sharing their faith through daily devotions and dialogue - Strong Pro Life content)
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