Take ~5 minutes to read this 'COUGARS Daily' which contains snippets from A Slice of Infinity. Invite your family and friends to participate in reading with you daily. Then, consider sharing your comments or faith questions at CougarsDaily.blogspot.com
-Hear, O Israel! The LORD is our God, the LORD is one! (Deuteronomy 6:4) A Slice of Infinity snippets:
In this way, we are not only squinting at light, we are being changed by it. Our union with Christ and communion with the Trinity add a certain and heavenly dimension to our lives, and it is indeed one that correctly and profoundly orients us here and now to the world around us. We are at our best a reflection of God when we are drawn into relationships with one another, modeling the love that has been modeled to us. We are at our best a reflection of God when we live in community that expresses God’s concern for all of God’s creation--from the downcast and the powerless among us, to the oppressed and the least throughout the world. If God is light, how are we reflecting it? The hope of theology is always that, like Moses, we may come down from the mountain glowing.
Chad's Comments:
I hope your Monday goes better than mine did last week. Banding together will help. Did you know that each of us creates his/her own gravity? That's right. And, when we get together, our own gravity does not increase, but our combined gravity does. We have a greater 'reach' when we are together.
Happy Monday!
As a group, I will be challenging you to reach out to a neighbor. To invite someone over to your home whom you have had little to no contact with. This is not an effort to 'evangelize' them on the spot, but simply an effort to begin REAL relationship with them. Be in prayer about whom God would have you invite. More to come.
* Make Space for unbelievers in your life.
* Post your stories of God's intervention on the blog.
* Look for ways to share Awe and Wonder with children - leave suggestions at CougarsDaily.blogspot.com
* Consider joining Life-Devotions (a group of about 100 catholics and protestants sharing their faith through daily devotions and discussion - strong pro Life content)
* Voice of the Martyrs
-Hear, O Israel! The LORD is our God, the LORD is one! (Deuteronomy 6:4)
- And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth. (John 1:14)
- Suddenly, there was a sound from heaven like the roaring of a mighty windstorm, and it filled the house where they were sitting. Then, what looked like flames or tongues of fire appeared and settled on each of them. And everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in other languages, as the Holy Spirit gave them this ability. (Acts 2:2-4)
In this way, we are not only squinting at light, we are being changed by it. Our union with Christ and communion with the Trinity add a certain and heavenly dimension to our lives, and it is indeed one that correctly and profoundly orients us here and now to the world around us. We are at our best a reflection of God when we are drawn into relationships with one another, modeling the love that has been modeled to us. We are at our best a reflection of God when we live in community that expresses God’s concern for all of God’s creation--from the downcast and the powerless among us, to the oppressed and the least throughout the world. If God is light, how are we reflecting it? The hope of theology is always that, like Moses, we may come down from the mountain glowing.
Chad's Comments:
I hope your Monday goes better than mine did last week. Banding together will help. Did you know that each of us creates his/her own gravity? That's right. And, when we get together, our own gravity does not increase, but our combined gravity does. We have a greater 'reach' when we are together.
Happy Monday!
Upcoming Cougars' "Neighbor-Day" weekend:
As a group, I will be challenging you to reach out to a neighbor. To invite someone over to your home whom you have had little to no contact with. This is not an effort to 'evangelize' them on the spot, but simply an effort to begin REAL relationship with them. Be in prayer about whom God would have you invite. More to come.
* Make Space for unbelievers in your life.
* Post your stories of God's intervention on the blog.
* Look for ways to share Awe and Wonder with children - leave suggestions at CougarsDaily.blogspot.com
* Consider joining Life-Devotions (a group of about 100 catholics and protestants sharing their faith through daily devotions and discussion - strong pro Life content)
* Voice of the Martyrs
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