Take ~5 minutes to read this 'COUGARS Daily' which contains snippets from A Slice of Infinity. Invite your family and friends to participate in reading with you daily. Then, consider sharing your comments or faith questions at CougarsDaily.blogspot.com
- God has united you with Christ Jesus. For our benefit God made him to be wisdom itself. Christ made us right with God; he made us pure and holy, and he freed us from sin. Therefore, as the Scriptures say, “If you want to boast, boast only about the Lord.” (1 Corinthians 1:30-31)
A Slice of Infinity snippets: To be a follower of Christ demands independent and courageous thinking and acting. It is often to go against the flow, to stand in an opposing manner, to resist what is the wisdom of the crowd. Paul's reminder of the basis upon which God chooses should disabuse us of our self-elevation. For God’s choosing is not based on our credentials or qualifications but solely and centrally on Christ's. Hence, as Francis Schaeffer used to say, "There are no little people" in God's eyes. We are all sinners saved by and dependent on grace. Thus, we must constantly lay hold of what has been done for us and learn to rest in God’s provision, wisdom, and care. We can also rejoice that even today God deliberately, with full knowledge, and real intention, chooses the unlikely, the outcast, and the least, overturning titles of power, success, and wisdom in a world with very different scales.
Chad's comments: Yes, the world around us has different scales. It seems that the way most people measure progress in their lives is through money, fame or happiness. The independent and courageous thinking and acting that we may be called to seems elusive in many instances. Are we standing out from the crowd because we are self-righteous? Thanking God that we are not like those around us? Or, are we standing out from the crowd because we belong to Jesus. Will people be attracted to my actions because I am doing what is righteous in my own eyes? Or, will people be attracted to the God who made me because they see His love, tenderness and mercy displayed in my life? "Look, there is water. What is to prevent my being baptized?" Then he ordered the chariot to stop, and Philip and the eunuch both went down into the water, and he baptized him. Acts 8:36-38 It may be the person you feel is 'unworthy' or the most 'unlikely' to receive the Love of God today!
Upcoming Cougars' "Neighbor-Day" weekend: As a group, I will be challenging you to reach out to a neighbor. To invite someone over to your home whom you have had little to no contact with. This is not an effort to 'evangelize' them on the spot, but simply an effort to begin REAL relationship with them. Be in prayer about whom God would have you invite. More to come.
* Post your stories of God's intervention on the blog.
* Look for ways to share Awe and Wonder with children - leave suggestions at CougarsDaily.blogspot.com
* Consider joining Life-Devotions (a group of about 100 catholics and protestants sharing their faith through daily devotions and discussion - strong pro Life content)
* Voice of the Martyrs
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