The mission of COUGARS Daily is for the encouraging of believers in living out their faith daily in a 'post modern' and sometimes 'Anti-Church' culture. It is also a platform for seekers to feel comfortable asking tough questions. Please welcome everyone as we comment and post daily about 'A Slice of Infinity' from RZIM as well as challenge each other to walk behind the Good Sheppard.

Monday, April 7, 2008

The Bookseller's memory - Jill Carattini

Take ~5 minutes to read this 'COUGARS Daily' which contains snippets from A Slice of Infinity. Invite your family and friends to participate in reading with you daily. Then, consider sharing your comments or faith questions at CougarsDaily.blogspot.com

- "The disciples saw Jesus do many other miraculous signs in addition to the ones recorded in this book." (John 20:30)

- "Jesus also did many other things. If they were all written down, I suppose the whole world could not contain the books that would be written." (John 21:25)

A Slice of Infinity snippets: There were more stories to tell, other encounters to hear about, lives still unfolding at the hands of Christ... Christ is both present and coming, calling us further up and farther in to his kingdom. The thoughts of God are well beyond our own. All of creation declares the glory and power of its creator.

Chad's comments: I remember a conversation I once had regarding the need for greater exploration in the education of our youth. (Shannon -as an educator, perhaps you can comment on this) My point was that there seems to be so much 'openness' to new ideas in higher education and much 'dogmatic' teaching in the entry levels. My thoughts were that this is a bit backwards. In other words, if we were to let our young children explore ideas early, then they can fail early while we are still around to catch them. Perhaps then, when they reach the levels of higher education, there would be less drifting and we would be able to move forward. (as a side note, isn't it interesting that in most college campuses today there is a keen sense that you cannot really learn anything) Personally, I am attempting to return to a child like faith. One where imagination and exploration are enjoyable rather than dogmatically forbidden. It is in this that I hope to find the real Jesus.

Reaching Out Focus: Communicate from the position of minority - because, as Christians, we are in a minority.

Franciscan Benediction -
May God bless us with
At injustice, oppression, and exploitation of God's creations
So that we may work for justice, freedom, and peace.

* Make Space for unbelievers in your life.* Post your stories of God's intervention on the blog.
* Look for ways to share Awe and Wonder with children
- leave suggestions at CougarsDaily.blogspot.com
* Consider joining Life-Devotions (a group of about 100 catholics and protestants sharing their faith through daily devotions and discussion - strong pro Life content)
* Voice of the Martyrs

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