The mission of COUGARS Daily is for the encouraging of believers in living out their faith daily in a 'post modern' and sometimes 'Anti-Church' culture. It is also a platform for seekers to feel comfortable asking tough questions. Please welcome everyone as we comment and post daily about 'A Slice of Infinity' from RZIM as well as challenge each other to walk behind the Good Sheppard.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Yoke of Identity by Jill Carattini

Take about 5 minutes to read this snippets version of Yesterday's 'A Slice of Infinity'. Follow up by reading TODAY'S SLICE and forward any comments on your faith journey.

David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17)

-Now I know that the LORD saves his anointed; he will answer him from his holy heaven with the saving might of his right hand. Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God. (Psalm 20:6-7)

-Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. (Matthew 11:28-29)

A Slice of Infinity snippets:
As I read this account of David, I wrestle with thoughts of identity. Would I have taken the armor off though it wasn't my own? Would I have been myself, aware of my own abilities, or would I have tried to make someone else's armor my confidence? David is for me a helpful reminder that when our identity is found in God, authenticity and obedience are natural responses to life: David took off the breastplate of Saul because he knew the fortress of God.

And thus, David went into the valley authentically, facing Goliath as no one but himself, going forth not with confidence in his own being, nor confidence in any armor, but with confidence in the character of God.

Chad's Comments:
In today's reading, Jill encourages us to live an authentic life; one not putting on masks or taking on the identity of someone else.
I find it thought worthy when she wrote, I would argue that abandoning ourselves to the person of God, we find ourselves able to become the person God has created us to be.

So, as I work through each situation of each day, I will endeavor to be mindful of keeping every thought captive; attempting to abandon my self and be transformed into the likeness of Christ's for his is the only solid identity worthy.

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